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About Company

Intralox was founded on the commitment to an idea.

In 1947, Intralox founder JM Lapeyre patented the first industrial shrimp peeler, but encountered problems moving the peeled shrimp on metal conveyor belts due to rust and corrosion building on the belts. He approached major rubber and steel conveyor belt manufacturers to produce a modular plastic belt, but he was told this was not feasible. Undeterred, JM invented the modular plastic conveyor belt in 1970—and thus, in 1971, Intralox was born.     

Today, Intralox leads the way in helping customers achieve their goals by offering comprehensive conveyance solutions that create significant economic value. Locally-owned and globally-headquartered in New Orleans, Intralox delivers innovative, premium technology within a direct business model. We understand that every industry deserves its own industry specific team of resources. Therefore, our extensive service infrastructures have an in-depth knowledge of customer applications, and provide technical support and consulting, and 24/7 customer service to help our customers achieve extraordinary results.


